Friend Feature - Angel Nailed It

One of my goals with this blog is to also feature and interview friends that inspire me in hopes that they'll inspire you too. angelson

My first Friend Feature is Angel Nailed it. Angel and I met when we attended UC Irvine together and we actually were roommates for a little bit too. She's always been one of my Korean sistas and we had gotten closer while working together as UCI orientation staffers. A sweetheart, but also freakishly talented with nail art. This was a talent of hers that definitely bloomed after college. Many of us believe that if we don't know what we're supposed to be doing at this moment in time, that means we're lost and it's too late to try anything we might actually enjoy and love. Angel is someone who clearly lives out that skills can be found and nurtured whenever as long as it's honest and expressive through the heart.


1) Who are you & where are you from?

Hello! I’m Angel from the beauuuutiful city of Angels hehe

2) What is your job & what is your occupation?

I’m in Production Planning at American Apparel

3) When did you start experimenting with nail art?

I started experimenting with nail art around 3 ½ years ago, when my friend showed me a picture of someone else’s nail art and told me that I could probably do a better job. I said to her, “Challenge – accepted!”

4) You're going on a deserted island. What are the three nail colors you must take?

Anything glittery! If I’m going to be stuck on an island, I may as well have something pretty and sparkly to look at hahah!


5) What was your most difficult nail art?

I wouldn’t say anything has really been that difficult, but more like, time consuming and tested my patience. Any of my nail art with super detailed and specific images, like the Super Bowl or houndstooth patterns, have been a tiny bit challenging since they’re so recognizable. I’d say that the one that tested my patience the most was a stars and stripes manicure I did for the 4th of July in 2013, surprising, I know. Those stars……I almost gave up halfway through!


6) How often do you change your nail art?

At least once a week. Once my nail polish starts chipping, which is after about 4-5 days, I start to pick off the rest (it’s so bad, I know). Either that, or I get bored/tired of my current mani or get excited about a new idea, so I change it up!


7) Have you done nail art for other people?

Yep! Just a few times though, and never for money. I’ve painted nails for my mom, aunts, cousins, friends, and coworkers.

8) What are your goals with nail art?

Nail art has become the creative outlet I had desperately needed. So rather than having goals of fame and fortune, my goal is to continue to challenge myself to come up with more ideas, to become more creative, to learn more tricks and new methods, and just to grow. And if I can share my growth along the way and people enjoy it and are inspired by me, then that’s even better! I want to keep impressing myself with what I am capable of creating!


9) Any tips for people who may want to start doing nail art of their own?

Just do it! Start with simple things – you’ll learn that it’s a whole lot easier than you think!


10) Must have items for nail art?

A small brush and scotch tape! And oooooodles of patience.

11) Which brushes do you recommend?

You can find tons of different nail art brushes on, like these:

12) What nail polish brand do you feel like is best to work with?

I really like using American Apparel nail polish. They're highly pigmented and easy to work with. I have over 40 different colors of just American Apparel nail polishes! 


13) What inspires you?

I'm mostly inspired by other nail artists. I like to see what other people come up with, and play off of their ideas to create my own. I also always keep an eye out for interesting patterns and prints that could be possible nail art inspiration. 

14) Where can people find more of your work?

Mainly on Instagram! @angelnailedit is my Instagram dedicated to my nail art – I post the most things there. I also have a blog (, but I’ve been horrible at updating it and it just…doesn’t look good at all hahah. So find me on Instagram!